While I was walking around the Full Throttle Saloon during THBC's kickass bike show last year in Sturgis I saw a young dude walking around with this shirt on and I just had to tell him how much I dug it..well he knew who I was and said if I wanted one to give him an address and he would make it happen, now I've heard shit like that promised before so I didn't really give it much thought but the other day I got a package from Canada with these goodies..THANK YOU guys..that was too fuckin cool, be sure to check out their blog at www.CYCLEBOYZ.blogspot.com you'll be glad you did!!! Just as soon as I get the new Flat Broke shirts and stickers done you guys will get da hookup..Roadside Marty
i've got one of these from iron horse saloon in savanna, IL. badass for sure!