Thursday, December 2, 2010

A gift to the Garage Co. Customs Chop Off bike!

Sorry for the shitty pics as usual but you get the idea, Larry and Spencer are two of the coolest muthas around and I'm proud to shoot them something for their Chop Off bike, good luck muhfuggas!!! The spade top, they gonna be stylin now!!


  1. I'll second that about them Garco Boys! I was going to say that I'll give them moral support for the chop off bike, but then I remembered they have no morals to support! :-P

  2. Your right Jeff, that's one of the reasons I dig those guys so much LOL!!

  3. We do have morals....they're just not that great. Your my hero Marty, u better be here on the 18th. Were havin a sleepover at the shop.

  4. my hero! i have a christmas kiss waiting for you Marty!

  5. Just make sure you explain to Larry that he can't hack up that beautiful sissy bar to construct a smaller one out of. Thank you.

  6. I already did Nick but do you think the crazy fucker will pay attention to ANYTHING I say????

  7. Well Marty, I am building a bike for Born Free how about a gift for ol' Jr?

  8. You know Big Daddy Roadside will always take care of you Mr. Heir..all you gotta do is ask!!!

  9. Me too, I would like a knucklehead. You can bring it with you next time you head to the shop. Thanks bro.

  10. Okay, you guys do know I'm gettin older and can't remember shit too good so write this shit down for me so I don't forget!!!
