Me and the lovely Ms. Candice from Canada..those Canadians are cool as fuck!!! She came down with Brent, Ryan and the rest of the Cycleboyz crew and man were those brothers and sisters great to hang out with..I will definitely see them again soon!!!!

This pic really brings a smile to my face..Darren, Lemmy,your reporter and Waylon..this pic was taken on the Cycle Source ride and this was the first stop for gas we made, I was fortunate to meet Lemmy and Waylon in Sioux Falls S.D and that night of drunken debauchery will live on forever in the history of all things Chopper!! Those cornfield muthafuckas KNOW how to get down and party, missing from this pic is Porno John because the little fuck was sleeping..go figure!!! A more solid group of brothers you will not find I guarantee that!!!!
It's amazing to me how just one word can trigger so many emotions and flash so many memories back in a second's time but that's exactly what happens when I hear or even think of Sturgis and this year was no different! Normally it takes me about 2 and a half days to get there and about the same to get home but this time it took me 5!!!! days to get there and that was just the beginning..I've said it before but it's so true, I seem to meet more and more people everywhere I go..either they have seen my pic and or stickers or read something I may have written or said or we may know some mutual people regardless of how it happens I enjoy this part of any journey alot, that old saying of it's the journey not the destination is so true..it's not some Hollywood line of bullshit, you just have to get out there on the road and experience it for yourself!! You meet so many people out there that it's never boring or dull..yeah you might run into some dickheads but hey let's face it they are EVERYWHERE so don't let that hold you back from living your life..I have so many pics that I will be posting as well as sharing some stories that may not be suitable for young viewers (LOL) so stay tuned and let me know what you think! These two happen to be some of my favorites so I felt they should be first..