At The Horse Backstreet Choppers show me and Sara Liberte were filming some Rally TV spots and Wes and Darren were busy having a blast making fun of us and whoever we happened to be interviewing at that moment whether it was Wes doing Ninja rolls in front of the camera or Darren making faces at me while I was trying to talk these two fuckers had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes!!!!
In the bike parking section for the Jeff Decker show at the Chip we happened to see this "thing" dazzling in the beautiful South Dakota sunset and we were all taken aback by it's beauty (sheer stupidity) so much that Wes had to have his pic taken with it so it could be recorded for historical purposes, note Wes also has his face painted in true Death Metal style so that he may be successful in his quest that evening to permanately scar the minds of all who came to see Poison that night at the Chip,viewers of this blog maybe scarred because of Darren's ass being proudly shown behind Wes and this masterpiece of shit!! Wes was kind enough to wear a Slayer t-shirt to give the unsuspecting show goers a little bit of a heads up..who ever said the guy didn't have feelings???
This photo makes me sad because this is the moment Wes left us at the chip with wannabe cop security personnel, Street Glides with enough neon to draw a UFO and the douchebags that were riding them as well as the rest of the dipshits that seemed to be in abundance at that place! Wes is a true brother who "get's it" and is always good for a laugh or just great conversation, his take on numerous issues make you think,wonder,laugh or even question your view or opinion on whatever you may be discussing with him. He's also responsible for saying my absolute favorite quote of Sturgis this year when after a wild night of drunken mini bike tricks as well as campfire shenanigans we ran out of palletts for the burn barrell and Wes loudly states.."Let's burn the shitters, nobody can stand the stink of the fucking things and they won't service them so let's do it!!!" I busted a gut hearing that and I could just see all of us recreating the riot of the Sturgis City Park in 1980 when the bikers set fire to the shitters, Chris Callen would've probably had a heart attack right there on the spot LOL!!!! Wes, your a true brother and I look forward to many more years of partying with your crazy muthafuckin self!!! Roadside Marty
Love you Wesley, Marty you should come with us to Kansas next weekend!
ReplyDeleteLook man thanks for the invite but I've got you fuckers figured out..you want an old man like me to die either fuckin,ridin or partying with you young muthafuckas so that ya'll can get my bikes and parts!!! Well I ain't fallin for it LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's right....LOL...LORDS OF LOUD!!!!!! I only want your Shovel Fixxer so hide your other shit HAHAHA
ReplyDeleteWes is a man amongst men, hands down! I only got to see him once. I wondered where he was all that time and now I know...
ReplyDeletePink Hats rockin' our shirt.